Tuesday 6 January 2015


Hello and welcome to my first ever blog.  I am not exactly sure how to create a blog, but I will give it my best shot.  The purpose of this blog is to inform family, friends, and my St. John's students back home of my experiences while I am here is South Africa.  With that said, I am planning on designing this blog mainly as an educational tool for St. John's students to use.  Therefore, this blog will be rather kid friendly in both content and language.  But I do hope that both the young and old will enjoy the information recorded on this blog.

I arrived to South Africa on Dec. 31 and will be staying here for three months.  While here, I will be staying with my aunt and uncle in Johannesburg.  However, for the first weekend of my stay, I stayed in Durban. Durban is located on the coast, about a 6 and half hour drive from Johannesburg.

For each post, I am going to try and provide one or two educational problems for my students to solve.  This is the first of such problems.

In South Africa, the metric system is used.  Therefore, distance between places is measured in kilometers, not miles.  1 km = .62 miles.  If there is 589 km from Durban to Johannesburg, about  how many miles is that?

The people of South Africa were so excited upon my arrival, that a huge party was taking place with fireworks and much celebration.

This was the view outside my window upon arrival to Durban.  I am sure it was for my arrival and not because it was midnight on New Year's Eve :)

I'm very excited about the adventures that are yet to come and look forward to informing you all of my travels and experiences!


  1. Glad you arrived safely! I love the idea that there were fireworks upon your arrival- a great way to start your adventure.

  2. The class agreed that it would be about 366 miles.
    And KN noticed that you had a beverage in your hand--of course he did!
